
Account is a resource contract that allows you to perform various operations on the resource.


Available operations

Permission,Get,Exists,Create,Edit,Create Or Edit,Delete

List of standard fields

GET, ReadOnly, Type: UUID
Stores a Universally Unique Identifier(UUID) to identify an account uniquely.
GET | SET, Required, Type: String, Length: 32
Stores the Account Number (Auto genrated sequence)
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 16
Stores the Branch/Site information only
GET, ReadOnly, Type: String
Stores the account name with no site or branch information.
GET, ReadOnly, Type:String, Length: 64
Stores the full account name along with branch or site information.
SET, Required, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the full account name.
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 2048
Stores a multiline short description
GET | SET Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the billing address segment Addresss1
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the billing address segment Addresss2
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the billing address segment City
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 32
Stores the billing address segment State/Province/County
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 10
Stores the billing address segment Pin or Zip Code
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the billing address segment Country Name (Fully identified country)
GET, ReadOnly, Type: String
Stores the billing address segment Country Code (Short code for country)
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 32
Stores the phone number
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 32
Stores the fax number
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 255
Stores Website
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the shipping address segment Addresss1
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the shipping address segment Addresss2
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the shipping address segment City
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 32
Stores the shipping address segment State/Province/County
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 10
Stores the shipping address segment Pin or Zip Code
GET, ReadOnly, Type: String
Stores the shipping address segment Country Code (Short code for country)
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 64
Stores the shipping address segment Country Name (Fully identified country)
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 97
Stores the Owner Full Name.
GET | SET, Optional, Type: UUID
Stores the Owner Reference as an UUID
GET | SET, Optional, Type: String, Length: 256
Stores the lead source type
GET | SET, Optional, Type: UUID
Stores the lead source reference UUID
GET, Read Only, Type: DateTime
Gets the Date of Last Modification
GET, Read Only, Type: DateTime
Gets the Creation Date
Last Touch Date
GET, Read Only, Type: DateTime
Gets the LastTouched Date
GET, Read Only, Type: String
Gets the UserType associated with the owner
GET, Read Only, Type: String
Gets the UserRegion associated with the owner
GET | SET, Optional, Type: Boolean
Checks if the account marked as private or not.



Get operation contract allows you to perform read operation on the Account resource.
ErrorCode Description
30201 General Error occurred while checking permission
30202 View permission denied
30203 General Error occurred while fetching records


Allowed by request methods


List of parameters

APIKey String This parameter is the client shared API-Key. This is the authentication parameter which if invalid or not send along with the request will unable to authenticate the Get operation on the Account resource.
Resource String This parameter defines the resource type. It is only required if you are using the resource independent base url like In this case, for the Account resource contract, you need to Pass "Account" here.
Note : The Parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the resource of the url if you are using the resource dependent base url.
Operation String This parameter defines the type of operation that is to be performed on the resource Account. Please check the allowed operations on this resource Account. It is only required if you are using the operation independent base url like or In this case, for the Get contract, you need to pass "Get" here.
Note : The parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the operation of the url if you are using the operation dependent base url.
Columns String Array This parameter defines the array of columns provided in the resource contract Account that you want to return from the Get operation. You can use standard fields as well as custom fields here. If the parameter is not specified all columns will be returned.
AccountId String By using the AccountId parameter you can get a specific Account resource by its identifier. This parameter is provided as a UUID. Defining this parameter ensures that you get at most one account in the response.
Note : When the AccountId parameter is defined, the Filter,Page and SQLFilter parameters will be strictly ignored.
Filter Structured Object This parameter optionally allows you to apply a simple filter on the Account resource for the particular Get operation. The filer object is defined as follows:
  "<column_name_1>" : "<preffered_value_1>" 
  [ , "<column_name_2>" : "<preffered_value_2>"  
    [ , ...] 
Where, <column_name_1> can be defined from any standard fields or custom fields. And, <preffered_value_1> is the value of the corrosponding column that will be appled to the filter. All the specified filter criteria are evaluated such that the records returned will have an exact match. Moreover, if multiple filter criteria is specified it will be evaluated such that the records returned will meet all criteria.
Note : To use, partial match or meet any criteria, you are requested to use SQLFilter parameter instead of the Filter parameter.
This parameter can be used in combination with SQLFilter parameter to build up complicated filter clauses.
SQLFilter String This parameter optionally allows you to apply a SQL filter on the Account resource for the particular Get operation. Both, standard fields and custom fields can be used in the where clause. The clause should be expressed following Microsoft SQL Server standard Where clauses expressions. A few simple examples are provided below :

  • Example 1 :
    Getting the List of all Account established in the cities Memphis or Columbus of the country US.
    [City] in ('Memphis','Columbus') and [Country] = 'US'
  • Example 2 :
    Getting the List of all Account who has a website.
    ISNULL([Website],'') <> ''
  • Example 3 :
    Getting the List of all Account who has a website or established in the country US.
    (ISNULL([Website],'') <> '') OR ([Country] = 'US')
Standard SQL functions like ISNULL , DATEPART , etc can be used in SQL filter. Moreover, a list of Claritysoft Standard Database Functions are provided to support the SQL filter while Get operation for the ease of development. To know more about these functions click on the link.
Page Structured Object This parameter optionally allows you to apply a page segment on the Account resource for the particular Get operation. The page object is defined as follows:
  PageNumber : "<page_number>",
  PageSize : "<page_number>"
Where, <page_number> defines the particular page which we want to see when segmented by <page_size> records per page. And, <page_size> defines the number of Account records to be listed per page.

Appling this parameter will provide two attributes Records and RecordInfo in the response data Response.Data. Where, Records consists of the fetched Account records. And, RecordInfo contains page segmentation details like, RecordCount, PageCount etc.
Sort Structured Object This parameter optionally allows you to sort the records of the Account resource for the particular Get operation on the specified column in a specific order. The sort object is defined as follows:
  Column : "<column>"
  [,Order : "Asc"(Default)|"Desc" ]
Where, <column> defines the particular column on which the Account record list is to be sorted. The column can be defined from the list of standard fields or custom fields. And, Order attribute can be optionally defined to specify the sort order on the defined column. It accepts only two values, Asc for ascending order and Desc for descending order. If the order not provided it takes the default value as Asc.
Note : When Sort parameter is used in combination with Filter, SQL Filter and Page. At first, Filter and SQL Filter is evaluated on the Account resource list, then the list is sorted and finally the list is segmented in pages.

Example of requests

Request for a single Account resource filtered by Account identifier AccountId.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Get",
  "AccountId" : "68F9649F-9E6B-421D-956D-483AA0ED576B"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "RowNumber": 1,
    "AccountId": "68f9649f-9e6b-421d-956d-483aa0ed576b",
    "Account": "Stark Industries-USA",
    "AccountNumber": "AC000009",
    "OwnerId": "dc3d0523-db19-4c45-8f81-9d535c36e52a",
    "Owner": "Willy Wonka",
    "Type A1": null,
    "Type A2": null,
    "CompanyPhone": "45123436",
    "CompanyFax": "",
    "Website": "",
    "CoreName": "Stark Industries",
    "Site": "USA",
    "HasShippingAddress": false,
    "Description": "",
    "Address1": "12 AB Street",
    "Address2": "",
    "City": "Memphis",
    "State": "Colorado",
    "ZipCode": "102223",
    "Country": "US",
    "countryname": "",
    "ShippingAddress1": "12 AB Street",
    "ShippingAddress2": "",
    "ShippingCity": "Memphis",
    "ShippingState": "Colorado",
    "ShippingZipCode": "102223",
    "ShippingCountry": "US",
    "ShippingCountryName": "USA",
    "leadsourceid": null,
    "leadsources": null,
    "UserType": "",
    "UserRegion": "",
    "Last Touch Date": null,
    "CreationDate": "2017-11-01T07:54:59.9",
    "LastEditDate": "2017-11-01T08:10:48.3",
    "AccountCoreName": "Stark Industries"
Request for a list of all Account resources present in the City of Memphis.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Get",
  "Filter": {
    "City": "Memphis"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": [
      "RowNumber": 1,
      "AccountId": "355dae9f-2d9a-41fe-a92d-f413bb17247c",
      "Account": "Magnetic-USA",
      "AccountNumber": "AC000002",
      "OwnerId": "dc3d0523-db19-4c45-8f81-9d535c36e52a",
      "Owner": "Willy Wonka",
      "Type A1": null,
      "Type A2": null,
      "CompanyPhone": "901-761-2220",
      "CompanyFax": "901-761-2220",
      "Website": "",
      "CoreName": "Magnetic",
      "Site": "USA",
      "HasShippingAddress": false,
      "Description": "",
      "Address1": "Germantown",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Memphis",
      "State": "Tennessee",
      "ZipCode": "37501",
      "Country": "US",
      "countryname": "",
      "ShippingAddress1": "Germantown",
      "ShippingAddress2": "",
      "ShippingCity": "Memphis",
      "ShippingState": "Tennessee",
      "ShippingZipCode": "37501",
      "ShippingCountry": "",
      "ShippingCountryName": "United States",
      "leadsourceid": null,
      "leadsources": null,
      "UserType": "",
      "UserRegion": "",
      "Last Touch Date": null,
      "CreationDate": "2017-11-01T06:46:48.71",
      "LastEditDate": "2017-11-01T08:10:48.3",
      "AccountCoreName": "Magnetic"
      "RowNumber": 2,
      "AccountId": "68f9649f-9e6b-421d-956d-483aa0ed576b",
      "Account": "Stark Industries-USA",
      "AccountNumber": "AC000009",
      "OwnerId": "dc3d0523-db19-4c45-8f81-9d535c36e52a",
      "Owner": "Willy Wonka",
      "Type A1": null,
      "Type A2": null,
      "CompanyPhone": "45123436",
      "CompanyFax": "",
      "Website": "",
      "CoreName": "Stark Industries",
      "Site": "USA",
      "HasShippingAddress": false,
      "Description": "",
      "Address1": "12 AB Street",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Memphis",
      "State": "Colorado",
      "ZipCode": "102223",
      "Country": "US",
      "countryname": "",
      "ShippingAddress1": "12 AB Street",
      "ShippingAddress2": "",
      "ShippingCity": "Memphis",
      "ShippingState": "Colorado",
      "ShippingZipCode": "102223",
      "ShippingCountry": "US",
      "ShippingCountryName": "USA",
      "leadsourceid": null,
      "leadsources": null,
      "UserType": "",
      "UserRegion": "",
      "Last Touch Date": null,
      "CreationDate": "2017-11-01T07:54:59.9",
      "LastEditDate": "2017-11-01T08:10:48.3",
      "AccountCoreName": "Stark Industries"
Request for a list of all Account resources, with just 4 columns, who are present in the City of Memphis.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Get",
  "Columns": [ "AccountId","Account","AccountNumber","Website" ],
  "Filter": {
    "City": "Memphis"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": [
      "AccountId": "355dae9f-2d9a-41fe-a92d-f413bb17247c",
      "Account": "Magnetic-USA",
      "AccountNumber": "AC000002",
      "Website": ""
      "AccountId": "68f9649f-9e6b-421d-956d-483aa0ed576b",
      "Account": "Stark Industries-USA",
      "AccountNumber": "AC000009",
      "Website": ""
Request for the first page in the list of all Account resources sorted by Account in desending order. Where, each page consists of 20 records.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Get",
  "Columns": [ "AccountId","Account","AccountNumber","Website" ],
  "Sort": {
    "Column": "Account",
    "Order": "Desc"
  "Page": {
    "PageNumber": "1",
    "PageSize": "20"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "Records": [
        "AccountId": "d34f671e-8968-4164-bd52-ab63b8a4f989",
        "Account": "Vlcano-UK",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000003",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "68f9649f-9e6b-421d-956d-483aa0ed576b",
        "Account": "Stark Industries-USA",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000009",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "41300695-693f-4358-ae06-00cd01bedf81",
        "Account": "Muffin-UK",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000005",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "355dae9f-2d9a-41fe-a92d-f413bb17247c",
        "Account": "Magnetic-USA",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000002",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "dea52671-39ab-4ea1-9039-9d29598d31dd",
        "Account": "LexCorp-FR",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000008",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "9e737c59-3b2f-4ce7-b7d5-b8f1c67b7f07",
        "Account": "Kitchen Table International-UK",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000011",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "1b52550a-8310-4fa3-9770-b384ae4e4ba1",
        "Account": "Kitchen Chairs International-UK",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000012",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "a3ae7565-77f7-4e1a-9409-fa4450f7ceda",
        "Account": "Dynamo-USA",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000004",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "e4dc7d81-34c6-41b7-a856-5d117fbe1bf0",
        "Account": "Coco Factory Inc-UK",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000010",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "d2d85241-f5eb-47fd-9b7a-3339c6b4c212",
        "Account": "Astro-UK",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000001",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "805020cc-4718-440a-9189-6bea3f8bdbb0",
        "Account": "Acme Corporation-USA",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000006",
        "Website": ""
        "AccountId": "9e14107e-60c9-4292-9998-ed5d549a01bb",
        "Account": "Ace Chemicals-Columbus",
        "AccountNumber": "AC000007",
        "Website": ""
    "RecordInfo": {
      "RecordCount": 12,
      "PageNumber": 1,
      "PageSize": 20,
      "PageCount": 1.0
Request for the first page in the list of all Account resources present in the City of Memphis or Columbus in the Country US. The list sorted by Account in desending order. Where, each page consists of 20 records.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Get",
  "Columns": [ "Account","City", "Country" ],
  "SQLFilter": "City in ('Memphis','Columbus') and Country = 'US'",
  "Sort": {
    "Column": "Account",
    "Order": "Desc"
  "Page": {
    "PageNumber": "1",
    "PageSize": "20"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "Records": [
        "Account": "Stark Industries-USA",
        "City": "Memphis",
        "Country": "US"
        "Account": "Magnetic-USA",
        "City": "Memphis",
        "Country": "US"
        "Account": "Ace Chemicals-Columbus",
        "City": "Columbus",
        "Country": "US"
    "RecordInfo": {
      "RecordCount": 3,
      "PageNumber": 1,
      "PageSize": 20,
      "PageCount": 1.0

Example programs

Request with columns and filter.
The sample C#.Net code is a simple RestClient that uses the API to fetch an account.
Source :
* (1) Description :-
* ===================
* Example Get request using filter.
* (2) Pre Requisites :-
* =====================
* (2.1) Json.NET 10.0.3
* Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
* -- For More info on Json.NET 10.0.3 visit:
* (2.2) RestSharp
* Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3
* -- For More info on RestSharp visit:
* (3) Author : PK <>
* (4) Last Modified Date : 04-JUL-2017
using System;
namespace TestClarityAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri("");
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
request.Method = RestSharp.Method.POST;
var jsonParameter = new
APIKey = "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
Resource = "Account",
Operation = "Get",
Columns = new string[] { "AccountId", "Account", "AccountNumber", "Website" },
Filter = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>()
request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;
var response = client.Execute(request);
string json_payload = string.Empty;
if (response.ResponseStatus == RestSharp.ResponseStatus.Completed
&& response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
json_payload = response.Content;
// formating payload
json_payload = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
json_payload = response.ErrorMessage;
Output :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": [
      "AccountId": "355dae9f-2d9a-41fe-a92d-f413bb17247c",
      "Account": "Magnetic-USA",
      "AccountNumber": "AC000002",
      "Website": ""
      "AccountId": "68f9649f-9e6b-421d-956d-483aa0ed576b",
      "Account": "Stark Industries-USA",
      "AccountNumber": "AC000009",
      "Website": ""


Exists operation checks if the Account resource exists or not.
ErrorCode Description
30301 General Error occurred while checking the account


Allowed by request methods


List of parameters

APIKey String This parameter is the client shared API-Key. This is the authentication parameter which if invalid or not send along with the request will unable to authenticate the Exists operation on the Account resource. Resource String In this case, for the Account resource contract, you need to Pass "Account" here.
Note : The Parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the resource of the url if you are using the resource dependent base url.
Operation String This parameter defines the type of operation that is to be performed on the resource Account. Please check the allowed operations on this resource Account. It is only required if you are using the operation independent base url like or In this case, for the Exists contract, you need to pass "Exists" here.
Note : The parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the operation of the url if you are using the operation dependent base url.
AccountId String By using the AccountId parameter you can get a specific Account resource by its identifier. This parameter is provided as a UUID. Defining this parameter ensures that you get at most one account in the response.
Note : When the AccountId parameter is defined, the Data, parameter will be strictly ignored.
Data Structured Object This parameter optionally allows you to apply a simple filter on the Account resource for the particular Exists operation. The filer object is defined as follows:
  "<column_name_1>" : "<preffered_value_1>" 
  [ , "<column_name_2>" : "<preffered_value_2>"  
    [ , ...] 
Where, <column_name_1> can be defined from any standard fields or custom fields. And, <preffered_value_1> is the value of the corrosponding column that will be appled to the filter. All the specified filter criteria are evaluated such that the records returned will have an exact match. Moreover, if multiple filter criteria is specified it will be evaluated such that the records returned will meet all criteria.

Example of requests

Request for a single Account resource filtered by Account identifier AccountId.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Exists",
  "AccountId" : "68F9649F-9E6B-421D-956D-483AA0ED576B"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "Exists": true
Request for a list of all Account resources present in the City of Memphis.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Exists",
  "Data": {
    "City": "Memphis"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "Exists": true

Example programs

Request with id
The sample C#.Net code is a simple RestClient that uses the API to check if the resource exists.
Source :
* (1) Description :-
* ===================
* Example Exists request using filter.
* (2) Pre Requisites :-
* =====================
* (2.1) Json.NET 10.0.3
* Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
* -- For More info on Json.NET 10.0.3 visit:
* (2.2) RestSharp
* Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3
* -- For More info on RestSharp visit:
* (3) Author : PK <>
* (4) Last Modified Date : 04-JUL-2017
using System;
namespace TestClarityAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri("");
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
request.Method = RestSharp.Method.POST;
var jsonParameter = new
APIKey = "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
Resource = "Account",
Operation = "Exists",
AccountId = "68F9649F-9E6B-421D-956D-483AA0ED576B"
request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;
var response = client.Execute(request);
string json_payload = string.Empty;
if (response.ResponseStatus == RestSharp.ResponseStatus.Completed
&& response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
json_payload = response.Content;
// formating payload
json_payload = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
json_payload = response.ErrorMessage;
Output :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "Exists": true


Permission operation contract allows you to know the access priviledges on the Account resource.
ErrorCode Description
30401 General Error occurred while checking the account permission


Allowed by request methods


List of parameters

APIKey String This parameter is the client shared API-Key. This is the authentication parameter which if invalid or not send along with the request will unable to authenticate the Permission operation on the Account resource.
Resource String This parameter defines the resource type. It is only required if you are using the resource independent base url like In this case, for the Account resource contract, you need to Pass "Account" here.
Note : The Parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the resource of the url if you are using the resource dependent base url.
Operation String This parameter defines the type of operation that is to be performed on the resource Account. Please check the allowed operations on this resource Account. It is only required if you are using the operation independent base url like or In this case, for the Permission contract, you need to pass "Permission" here.
Note : The parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the operation of the url if you are using the operation dependent base url.
Type String This parameter defines the type of access profiles that is to be performed on the resource Account. Account resource access priviledge for the particular Permission operation. The Type categories are defined as follows: All, View, Create, Edit, Delete, EditShared, DeleteShared.

Example of requests

Request to get all the available access priviledges assigned to your API-key on the Account resource.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Permission",
  "Type" : "All"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "View": true,
    "Create": true,
    "Edit": true,
    "Delete": false,
    "EditShared": true,
    "DeleteShared": false
Request to get the View access priviledges assigned to your API-key on the Account resource.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Permission",
  "Type" : "View"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "View": true

Example programs

Request to get all the available access priviledges assigned to your API-key on the Account resource.
The sample C#.Net code is a simple RestClient that uses the API to see the access priviledges.
Source :
* (1) Description :-
* ===================
* Request to get all the available access priviledges assigned to your API-key on the Account resource.
* (2) Pre Requisites :-
* =====================
* (2.1) Json.NET 10.0.3
* Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
* -- For More info on Json.NET 10.0.3 visit:
* (2.2) RestSharp
* Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3
* -- For More info on RestSharp visit:
* (3) Author : PK <>
* (4) Last Modified Date : 04-JUL-2017
using System;
namespace TestClarityAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri("");
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
request.Method = RestSharp.Method.POST;
var jsonParameter = new
APIKey = "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
Resource = "Account",
Operation = "Permission",
Type = "All"
request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;
var response = client.Execute(request);
string json_payload = string.Empty;
if (response.ResponseStatus == RestSharp.ResponseStatus.Completed
&& response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
json_payload = response.Content;
// formating payload
json_payload = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
json_payload = response.ErrorMessage;
Output :
    "Status": "Success",
    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Message": "",
    "Data": {
      "View": true,
      "Create": true,
      "Edit": true,
      "Delete": false,
      "EditShared": true,
      "DeleteShared": false


Create operation contract allows you to perform create operation on the Account resource.
ErrorCode Description
30701 Response error while creating account
30702 Access Denied! You do not have the permission
30703 General Response error


Allowed by request methods


List of parameters

APIKey String This parameter is the client shared API-Key. This is the authentication parameter which if invalid or not send along with the request will unable to authenticate the Create operation on the Account resource.
Resource String This parameter defines the resource type. It is only required if you are using the resource independent base url like In this case, for the Account resource contract, you need to Pass "Account" here.
Note : The Parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the resource of the url if you are using the resource dependent base url.
Operation String This parameter defines the type of operation that is to be performed on the resource Account. Please check the allowed operations on this resource Account. It is only required if you are using the operation independent base url like or In this case, for the Create contract, you need to pass "Create" here.
Note : The parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the operation of the url if you are using the operation dependent base url.
Data Structured Object This parameter is mandatory and allows you to insert the relevant and required information on the Account resource for that particular Create operation. The Data object is defined as follows:
 "Data" :
  "Name" : "Test account 123" 
   , "Address1" : "Test address"
   , "City" : "Dublin"
  [ , ...]
Moreover, if multiple informations are provided it will be inserted into that new record fulfilling all criteria.

Example of requests

Request to create a Account resource.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Create",
  "Data" : {
     "Name" : "Test Account 1",
     "Site" : "US",
     "WebSite" : ""
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "AccountId": "6b981082-15ac-4f40-820b-5a94049f542f",
    "Status": "Created"

Example programs

Create an Account
The sample C#.Net code is a simple RestClient that uses the API to create an Account.
Source :
* (1) Description :-
* ===================
* Example Create program.
* (2) Pre Requisites :-
* =====================
* (2.1) Json.NET 10.0.3
* Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
* -- For More info on Json.NET 10.0.3 visit:
* (2.2) RestSharp
* Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3
* -- For More info on RestSharp visit:
* (3) Author : PK <>
* (4) Last Modified Date : 04-JUL-2017
using System;
namespace TestClarityAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri("");
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
request.Method = RestSharp.Method.POST;
var jsonParameter = new
APIKey = "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
Resource = "Account",
Operation = "Create",
Data = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>()
{"Name" , "Test Account 1"},
{"Site" , "US"},
{"WebSite" , ""}
request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;
var response = client.Execute(request);
string json_payload = string.Empty;
if (response.ResponseStatus == RestSharp.ResponseStatus.Completed
&& response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
json_payload = response.Content;
// formating payload
json_payload = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
json_payload = response.ErrorMessage;
Output :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "AccountId": "6b981082-15ac-4f40-820b-5a94049f542f",
    "Status": "Created"


Edit operation contract allows you to perform edit operation on the Account resource.
ErrorCode Description
30601 General Error occurred while checking the account permission
30602 Edit permission denied
30603 AccountId parameter is missing
30604 Error occurred while checking the account is existing or not
30605 Account is not existing
30606 General Error occurred while editing the record


Allowed by request methods


List of parameters

APIKey String This parameter is the client shared API-Key. This is the authentication parameter which if invalid or not send along with the request will unable to authenticate the Edit operation on the Account resource.
Resource String This parameter defines the resource type. It is only required if you are using the resource independent base url like In this case, for the Account resource contract, you need to Pass "Account" here.
Note : The Parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the resource of the url if you are using the resource dependent base url.
Operation String This parameter defines the type of operation that is to be performed on the resource Account. Please check the allowed operations on this resource Account. It is only required if you are using the operation independent base url like or In this case, for the Edit contract, you need to pass "Edit" here.
Note : The parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the operation of the url if you are using the operation dependent base url.
AccountId String By using the AccountId parameter you can update a specific Account resource by its identifier. This parameter is provided as a UUID. Defining this parameter ensures that you can update or edit at most one account in the response.
Note : When the AccountId parameter is defined, the Data parameter will follow the required changes accordingly.
Data Structured Object This parameter is mandatory and allows you to insert the relevant and required information on the Account resource for that particular Edit operation. The Data object is defined as follows:
 "Data" :
  "Name" : "Test account 123" 
   , "Address1" : "Test address"
   , "City" : "Dublin"
  [ , ...]
Moreover, if multiple informations are provided it will be inserted into that particular record to update accordingly fulfilling all criteria.

Example of requests

Request to edit a single Account resource by Account identifier AccountId.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Edit",
  "Data" : {
       "Name" : "Test Account 123",
       "Site" : "UK",
       "WebSite" : ""
  "AccountId" : "6b981082-15ac-4f40-820b-5a94049f542f"
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "AccountId": "6b981082-15ac-4f40-820b-5a94049f542f",
    "Status": "Created"

Example programs

Edit an Account.
The sample C#.Net code is a simple RestClient that uses the API to edit an Account.
Source :
* (1) Description :-
* ===================
* Example edit program.
* (2) Pre Requisites :-
* =====================
* (2.1) Json.NET 10.0.3
* Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
* -- For More info on Json.NET 10.0.3 visit:
* (2.2) RestSharp
* Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3
* -- For More info on RestSharp visit:
* (3) Author : PK <>
* (4) Last Modified Date : 04-JUL-2017
using System;
namespace TestClarityAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri("");
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
request.Method = RestSharp.Method.POST;
var jsonParameter = new
APIKey = "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
Resource = "Account",
Operation = "Edit",
Data = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>()
{"Name" , "Test Account 123"},
{"Site" , "UK"},
{"WebSite" , ""}
request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;
var response = client.Execute(request);
string json_payload = string.Empty;
if (response.ResponseStatus == RestSharp.ResponseStatus.Completed
&& response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
json_payload = response.Content;
// formating payload
json_payload = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
json_payload = response.ErrorMessage;
Output :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "AccountId": "6b981082-15ac-4f40-820b-5a94049f542f",
    "Status": "Updated"

Account/Create Or Edit

Create Or Edit operation contract allows you to perform Create Or Update operation on the Account resource.


Dedicated URL Not Applicable, use [] or []

Allowed by request methods


List of parameters

APIKey String This parameter is the client shared API-Key. This is the authentication parameter which if invalid or not send along with the request will unable to authenticate the Create Or Edit operation on the Account resource.
Resource String This parameter defines the resource type. It is only required if you are using the resource independent base url like In this case, for the Account resource contract, you need to Pass "Account" here.
Note : The Parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the resource of the url if you are using the resource dependent base url.
Operation String This parameter defines the type of operation that is to be performed on the resource Account. Please check the allowed operations on this resource Account. It is only required if you are using the operation independent base url like or In this case, for the Create Or Edit contract, you need to pass "Create Or Edit" here.
Note : The parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the operation of the url if you are using the operation dependent base url.
AccountId String By using the AccountId parameter you can update a specific Account resource by its identifier. Also, by not using the AccountId parameter you can update a specific Account resource by its identifier. This parameter is provided as a UUID.
Note : When the AccountId parameter is defined, then the api will edit else if its not provided it will create a new Account resource.
Data Structured Object This parameter is mandatory and allows you to insert the relevant and required information on the Account resource for that particular Edit operation. The Data object is defined as follows:
 "Data" :
  "Name" : "Test account 123" 
   , "Address1" : "Test address"
   , "City" : "Dublin"
  [ , ...] 
Moreover, if multiple informations are provided it will be inserted into that particular record to update accordingly fulfilling all criteria.

Example of requests

Request to edit a single Account resource by Account identifier, AccountId.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Create Or Edit",
  "AccountId" : "68f9649f-9e6b-421d-956d-483aa0ed576b",
  "Data" : {
    "Name" : "Stark Industries" 
Response :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "AccountId": "6b981082-15ac-4f40-820b-5a94049f542f",
    "Status": "Updated"

Example programs

Request with columns and filter.
The sample C#.Net code is a simple RestClient that uses the API to .
Source :
* (1) Description :-
* ===================
* Example Create Or Update request using filter.
* (2) Pre Requisites :-
* =====================
* (2.1) Json.NET 10.0.3
* Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
* -- For More info on Json.NET 10.0.3 visit:
* (2.2) RestSharp
* Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3
* -- For More info on RestSharp visit:
* (3) Author : PK <>
* (4) Last Modified Date : 04-JUL-2017
using System;
namespace TestClarityAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri("");
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
request.Method = RestSharp.Method.POST;
var jsonParameter = new
APIKey = "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
Resource = "Account",
Operation = "Create Or Edit",
AccountId = "68f9649f-9e6b-421d-956d-483aa0ed576b",
Data = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>()
{"Name" , "Stark Industries"}
request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;
var response = client.Execute(request);
string json_payload = string.Empty;
if (response.ResponseStatus == RestSharp.ResponseStatus.Completed
&& response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
json_payload = response.Content;
// formating payload
json_payload = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
json_payload = response.ErrorMessage;
Output :
  "Status": "Success",
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "",
  "Data": {
    "AccountId": "6b981082-15ac-4f40-820b-5a94049f542f",
    "Status": "Updated"


Delete operation contract allows you to perform delete operation on the Account resource.
ErrorCode Description
30501 General Error occurred while checking the account permission
30502 Delete permission denied
30503 Only occurs when attempted an account delete by Id and the account do not exists
30504 General Error occurred while deleting an account
30505 Validation error, any of the three should be provided, 1. AccountId, 2. Filter, 3. SQLFilter. Which is missing
30506 Error occurred while checking the account is existing or not. (Only occurs when attempted an account delete by Id)


Allowed by request methods


List of parameters

APIKey String This parameter is the client shared API-Key. This is the authentication parameter which if invalid or not send along with the request will unable to authenticate the Delete operation on the Account resource.
Resource String This parameter defines the resource type. It is only required if you are using the resource independent base url like In this case, for the Account resource contract, you need to Pass "Account" here.
Note : The Parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the resource of the url if you are using the resource dependent base url.
Operation String This parameter defines the type of operation that is to be performed on the resource Account. Please check the allowed operations on this resource Account. It is only required if you are using the operation independent base url like or In this case, for the Delete contract, you need to pass "Delete" here.
Note : The parameter is always overriden (or, technically ignored) by the operation of the url if you are using the operation dependent base url.
AccountId String By using the AccountId parameter you can delete a specific Account resource by its identifier. This parameter is provided as a UUID. Defining this parameter ensures that you can delete at most one account in the response.
Note : When the AccountId parameter is defined, the Filter and SQLFilter parameters will be strictly ignored.
Filter Structured Object This parameter optionally allows you to apply a simple filter on the Account resource for the particular Delete operation. The filer object is defined as follows:
  "<column_name_1>" : "<preffered_value_1>" 
  [ , "<column_name_2>" : "<preffered_value_2>"  
    [ , ...] 
Where, <column_name_1> can be defined from any standard fields or custom fields. And, <preffered_value_1> is the value of the corrosponding column that will be appled to the filter. All the specified filter criteria are evaluated such that the records deleted must have an exact match. Moreover, if multiple filter criteria is specified it will be evaluated such that the records deleted must meet all criteria.
Note : To use, partial match or meet any criteria, you are requested to use SQLFilter parameter instead of the Filter parameter.
This parameter can be used in combination with SQLFilter parameter to build up complicated filter clauses.
SQLFilter String This parameter optionally allows you to apply a SQL filter on the Account resource for the particular Delete operation. Both, standard fields and custom fields can be used in the where clause. The clause should be expressed following Microsoft SQL Server standard Where clauses expressions. A few simple examples are provided below :

  • Example 1 :
    Deleting the List of all Account established in the cities Memphis or Columbus of the country US.
    [City] in ('Memphis','Columbus') and [Country] = 'US'
  • Example 2 :
    Deleting the List of all Account who has a website.
    ISNULL([Website],'') <> ''
  • Example 3 :
    Deleting the List of all Account who has a website or established in the country US.
    (ISNULL([Website],'') <> '') OR ([Country] = 'US')
Standard SQL functions like ISNULL , DATEPART , etc can be used in SQL filter. Moreover, a list of Claritysoft Standard Database Functions are provided to support the SQL filter while Get operation for the ease of development. To know more about these functions click on the link.

Example of requests

Request to delete an Account resource by AccountId.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Delete",
  "AccountId" : "3d9cfa6f-473b-4503-aa20-30513ad8305"
Response :
    "Status": "Success",
    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Message": "",
    "Data": {
        "AccountId": "3d9cfa6f-473b-4503-aa20-30513ad83057",
        "AccountName": "Kitchen Chairs International-UK",
        "Status": "Deleted"
Request to delete one or many Account resource by filter.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Delete",
  "Filter" : {
    "AccountName": "Kitchen Chairs International-UK"
Response :
    "Status": "Success",
    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Message": "",
    "Data": [
            "AccountId": "3d9cfa6f-473b-4503-aa20-30513ad83057",
            "AccountName": "Kitchen Chairs International-UK",
            "Status": "Deleted"
Request to delete one or many Account resource by SQL filter.

Request :
  "APIKey": "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
  "Resource": "Account",
  "Operation": "Delete",
  "SQLFilter" : "AccountName = 'Kitchen Chairs International-UK'"
Response :
    "Status": "Success",
    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Message": "",
    "Data": [
            "AccountId": "3d9cfa6f-473b-4503-aa20-30513ad83057",
            "AccountName": "Kitchen Chairs International-UK",
            "Status": "Deleted"

Example programs

Request with columns and filter.
The sample C#.Net code is a simple RestClient that uses the API to .
Source :
* (1) Description :-
* ===================
* Example Delete program using id.
* (2) Pre Requisites :-
* =====================
* (2.1) Json.NET 10.0.3
* Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
* -- For More info on Json.NET 10.0.3 visit:
* (2.2) RestSharp
* Install-Package RestSharp -Version 105.2.3
* -- For More info on RestSharp visit:
* (3) Author : PK <>
* (4) Last Modified Date : 04-JUL-2017
using System;
namespace TestClarityAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri("");
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
request.Method = RestSharp.Method.POST;
var jsonParameter = new
APIKey = "claritysandbox-key-99b2ccf84d2d485d9e3f2a9bb09c7ff5",
Resource = "Account",
Operation = "Delete",
AccountId = "3d9cfa6f-473b-4503-aa20-30513ad8305"
request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;
var response = client.Execute(request);
string json_payload = string.Empty;
if (response.ResponseStatus == RestSharp.ResponseStatus.Completed
&& response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
json_payload = response.Content;
// formating payload
json_payload = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
json_payload = response.ErrorMessage;
Output :
    "Status": "Success",
    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Message": "",
    "Data": {
        "AccountId": "3d9cfa6f-473b-4503-aa20-30513ad83057",
        "AccountName": "Kitchen Chairs International-UK",
        "Status": "Deleted"